Kanye West’s Louis Vuitton sneakers made their runway debut in Paris on Thursday.

Kanye West’s Louis Vuitton sneakers made their runway debut in Paris on Thursday.

The rap star and LV creative director Marc Jacobs unveiled another one of the five styles from the Kanye West Collection during the line’s Fall/Winter menswear presentation.

In a new interview with WWD, Kanye explains his inspiration for the collection:

“I was inspired by the movie Dune. The collection had all these jackets that were very padded. They looked like maybe they had hockey pads in the jacket, and there was one where the collar came up really high. I took that element, and I put that on the back of the shoe. It’s like the opposite of the tongue. Usually you have the tongue at the front. [This is] like a tongue at the back.”

He added, “To me, Louis Vuitton is the most important brand in fashion. I am proud to have collaborated with LV on these shoes and even more proud of the finished product.”

Marc Jacobs tells WWD that he was impressed by Kanye’s dedication to his work, saying “I think Kanye goes to the office more than I do. He’s really, really into sneakers.”


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