
A bloke who is not feeling well goes to see the Quack.    The doc checks
him over, and says, 'Sorry mate, but you have Yellow 24, an untreatable

virus, so called as it turns your blood yellow and you only have 24 hours

to live…There's nothing I can do for you - just go home and enjoy your

final precious moments on earth.'


So he trudges home to wifey, and breaks the news.    Distraught, she asks

him to accompany her to bingo that evening so he can experience her idea

of a night out; as he's never been there before.


He gets his 1st card, and wins 4 corners - prize £350, and then gets any

line and wins £3200.    He also calls for a full house - and wins a grand.

    The National Grid comes up and he wins a further £380,000.


The Bingo Caller gets him on stage, and says:


 'Son - I've never seen you in here in all my life, but you won 4


any line, full house & the National Grid - I've never met anyone so



‘Lucky?' he screamed, ‘Lucky? I'll have you know I've got

Yellow 24.'


 'Stone me' says the Bingo Caller, 'You've won the raffle as


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