Hvaš ętli Geir hafi gefiš honum !! Hval ?


Former Russian president/current self appointed prime minister Vladimir Putin was just presented with a rare Ussuri tiger cub for his birthday.

Vlad's a Libra!

The Ussuri tiger is also known as the Siberian, Amur or Manchurian tiger.

According to a report, fewer than 400 are believed to survive in the wild.

Putin refuses to say who gifted him with the cub.

That little darling isn't going to stay teeny tiny forever, so she'll eventually go to a zoo or a nice wildlife preserve, said Putin. She better!

You don't keep that kind of animal at your home, y'all.

The 2-month old female still hasn't been named by the P.M. He's supposedly leaning toward Mashenka or Milashka.

America or Georgia would make a good name for her too!


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