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Overture to remake 'Jar City'

Studio buys rights to Icelandic film

By Steven Zeitchik and Jay A. Fernandez

Oct 3, 2008, 12:00 AM ET

Overture Films has bought remake rights to the Icelandic whodunit "Jar City," continuing a trend of U.S. buys of foreign-language thrillers.

The Liberty Media studio has attached Michael Ross to pen the screenplay; the Gersh-repped scribe is writing the script for "Strays" at Summit and is also penning "Near Dark," the remake of Kathryn Bigelow's vampire film, for Rogue. Baltasar Kormakur, who helmed the Icelandic pic, will serve as a producer on the Overture film, which will be set in a small Louisiana town.

The original "Jar City" centers on a police detective whose investigation of a murder leads to the uncovering of secrets and corruption in a small Icelandic town, as well as an exploration of his own relationships.

Ross said he hopes to strike a balance in the U.S. version, saying he "wants to keep these emotionally engaged, haunted people while finding a way to foreground the thriller elements."

The "Jar" buy comes on the heels of several recent remake deals, including Overture's acquisition of rights to Israeli dark comedy "92 Minutes" and Mandate Pictures scooping up the rights to two thrillers from buzz Danish director Ole Bornedal.

The Hollywood Reporter carries word that Overture Films is set to remake Jar City, an Icelandic mystery thriller.

The original film told the story of a police detective whose investigation of a murder results in him uncovering secrets and corruption in a small Icelandic town; it also explored his own relationships. As expected, the Hollywood remake will be set in a small American town – namely Louisiana.

It is being adapted by Michael Ross, with the original director Baltasar Kormakur serving as producer on the remake.

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