DJ AM er laus af spķtalanum en Travis Barker er ennžį ķ gęslu

DJ AM has been released from Doctors Hospital in Georgia, a week after surviving a plane crash in South Carolina. His rep said that he's currently on his way back to Los Angeles. The rep also said: "While he is deeply saddened by the events he is thankful for all of the love and support he has been receiving from fans and friends world wide. We ask that you continue respect his privacy as he rests and heals and mourns the loss of his friends."

Travis Barker is still in the hospital in Georgia where he's being treated for burns to his torso and lower body. Jermaine Dupri recently visited Travis and told People: "He's supposed to send a message out to everybody in a couple of days to let everybody know that he's feeling better. He's definitely feeling the love from everyone." Jermaine said Travis should be out of the hospital in about two weeks.

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