Paul Gascoigne reynir aš fremja sjįlfsmorš

Paul Gascoigne was rushed to hospital in Portugal after he tried to commit suicide. He had a cocktail of drinks and drugs.

He was rushed to hospital on Thursday night after he collapsed after a suspected overdose. Police found him semi conscious in his hotel after they got reports of a "disturbance".

An ambulance took him to hospital to have him stomach pumped and then sedated him. Paul's ex wife flew to Algarve to try and get him to check into rehab but he refused. He told them to "fuck off" and told them to leave him to die.

A source told The Sun: "Police were called because of some trouble at the hotel and then requested medical support.  He was semi-conscious when emergency services arrived at the hotel and he had a girl with him. At the hospital, he was sedated and medics washed out his stomach."

A hospital spokesperson confirmed Paul had been treated at the hospital but he'd been released yesterday morning. The hospital confirmed a friend of Pauls picked him up from the hospital.

Paul was sectioned under the Mental Health Act back in February. Paul was then sectioned again in June. Hopefully he'll check himself into rehab or be sectioned again so he can get the help he badly needs.

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