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File This Under “Sold Out By Mama.”

Pop tart Britney Spears was an out-of-control teenager, who was drinking at thirteen and sexually active by fourteen, Spears Family matriarch Lynne claims in a new tell-all book set to hit booksellers’ shelves later this month.

In Through the Storm, Lynne, 53, alleges Britney was already drinking when she first kissed stardom as a featured dancer on The Mickey Mouse Club in the 1990s.

The showbiz mama also accuses her superstar spawn of losing her virginity to her eighteen-year-old high school sweetheart when she was just fourteen.

“You really feel for Lynne,” an In Touch Weekly insider has revealed. “All she ever wanted was to raise a happy and healthy, loving family.”

Lynne Spears: Through the Storm arrives September 16.

Peningar peningar peningar.


mbl.is Britney hóf fķkniefnaneyslu 15 įra
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