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An Australian journalist asked Pamela Anderson to autograph his underwear during a photocall for her E! reality show at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth Hotel in Sydney on Monday.

Describing himself as her biggest fan, the reporter pulled down his pants and asked Pam to autograph his red briefs.

“Wow, get my camera, shoot this,” Anderson told her manager.

He then pulled out a chicken drumstick out of his pants and munched on it.

“The things you get asked to do,” Pamela remarked.

“This is what happens. See, I create this image and this is what happens. I’m a girl on the loose damn it.”

“I’ll give you my number, just give me call,” he said.

“Write your number on here,” Pam told him.

Pam: Girl on the Loose premieres in Australia on September 2.

PC Pamela įritar
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