Mel Returns From Edge Of Darkness To Star In Edge Of Darkness

MelMel Gibson has come out of hiding and is set to star alongside DeNiro in the upcoming Edge Of Darkness. We get the scoop from our friends at the movieweb

According to Variety, this will be Gibson’s first major role since starring in both Signs and We Were Soldiers back in 2002.

The film will revolve around Gibson’s character, a straight arrow homicide detective named Thomas Craven. When his daughter is murdered on the front steps of his home, he believes the hit was meant for him. Craven’s investigation leads a path to his daughter’s secret life, a corporate cover-up, and the government’s own shady dealings. DeNiro is set to play an operative sent in to clean up the mess.

Gibson returns! After a long, and much needed hiatus from the movie world Mr. Gibson will return to the silver screen alongside Robert DeNiro in a cop drama. If you have to make an entrance, you might as well make it a good one.

I don’t like a lot of “cop dramas” but the premise sounds good, and both Mel and Bobby have done well with the genre. I like the fact that Gibson’s daughter gets axed. That sets a pretty intense tone right off the hop, and also gets the audience emotionally invested in Mel’s character. Think what you will of the actor, his character’s daughter just got killed; you will have no choice but to root for him.

Filming for this picture is set to begin this month and we will be sure to keep you abreast of the updates!

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