Madonna sver af sér framhjáhald við Alex Rod opinberlega

Madonna and husband Guy Ritchie in NYC-July 2nd.

Madonna has issued a public statement denying rumors that she is divorcing husband Guy Ritchie; the Material Girl also rebuffs reports of any involvement with New York Yankees’ star Alex Rodriguez.

“My husband and I are not planning on getting a divorce,” the singer said in a statement released to several media outlets on Sunday. “I know Alex Rodriguez through Guy Oseary, who manages both of us….I brought my kids to a Yankee game. I am not romantically involved in any way with Alex Rodriguez. I have nothing to do with the state of his marriage or what spiritual path he may choose to study.”

A-Rod’s wife Cynthia has reportedly left the third baseman over his rumored affair with Madonna and his newfound interest in Kabbalah, the religion practiced by the legendary singer.

Tekið af TMZ

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