Amy W

Amy Winehouse has emphysema. Doctors have warned the British soul singer that she could be forced to use a oxygen mask for the rest of her life if she continues smoking drugs, the British Daily Mail reported on Sunday.

Mitch Winehouse said his 24-year-old daughter was diagnosed with the potentially deadly lung disease, which clogs the lungs and leaves sufferers short of breath, after undergoing a series of medical tests to determine the cause of a fainting spell at her London home last Monday.

“To think this could be my beautiful 24-year-old daughter’s life is preposterous. But if drugs mean more to her than breathing properly, then so be it. But the doctors have told her if she goes back to smoking drugs it won’t just ruin her voice, it will kill her. It’s been a tough week,” Mitch says.

“If she doesn’t go back to drugs, then she can lead this magnificent life,” her father told the press Sunday. “We are praying that that’s what Amy really wants. She seems resolute.”

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