Fjölskylda Heath Ledger mun vera siðstödd frumsýningu Dark Knight


According to reports, the family of Heath Ledger is planning to fly from Australia to New York for the world premiere of his last film, Batman: The Dark Knight.

Ledger is said to turn an inspired performance as The Joker in the movie.

The pic opens July 18th.

Heath's Family Coming to 'Batman' Premiere

The word from the inner workings at Warner Bros.: Heath Ledger’s family will journey from Australia to New York this summer for the premiere of "The Dark Knight." The film opens July 18.

Ledger as the Joker in this new "Batman" movie seems certain to be an Oscar-nominated performance. And I’m told the movie will be dedicated to Ledger’s memory, with the memoriam coming at the film’s conclusion. If that doesn’t bring tears and applause, nothing will.

The "Dark Knight" TV commercial during Thursday night’s "Lost" finale indicates that the Joker and not Batman is going to get the lion’s share of attention in this movie. Ledger was all over the commercial. I’m not even sure Christian Bale — er, Batman — was shown.

So we’ll get ready to pay tribute to Ledger, whose death was insanely tragic and unnecessary. And let’s hope the relatives in his non-immediate family, who love publicity, show some respect and keep their mouths shut and heads down this summer. A little propriety can go a long way.

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