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“Who Killed Obama?” T-Shirt Designer is Just Misunderstood Fashion designer Doron Braunshtein, aka Apollo Braun, whose store on Orchard Street has been selling T-shirts and hoodies emblazoned with the question ‘Who Killed Obama?’, says the people leaving him angry messages and death threats just don’t get hipster irony. See, he loves Obama, that’s why he’s selling products that invoke his murder! “I’m very punk rock,” Braunshtein explains to the NY Press’s fashion blogger, smugly aware that our primitive 2008 technology prevents you from reaching through your computer screen and slapping that smirk off his face. He goes on: "They don't understand what I'm doing. They think I'm spreading hate. Could you imagine if Obama were killed? They might blame me. Then I'd be taken to jail and have to have prison sex." Of course, should that tragic fate befall Obama, Braunshtein would make a fortune off his T-shirts, which would suddenly become as prescient as they are insipid. As it stands now, he charges between $129 - $250 for the items, which are custom made with safety pins. Oh, and sequins! Buy now, before Obama’s soooo over.

Fashion designer Doron Braunshtein, aka Apollo
mbl.is Kynžįttaręša Obama slęr ķ gegn į netinu
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