Steve O , segir af hverju hann er eins og hann er ( semsagt hans afsökun )

Steve-O, star of Jackass and all-round crazy, party guy appears to have reformed his ways since he's been in rehab. Gone is the happy go lucky funster (who was annoying as hell) to be replaced by a thoughtful, inward-looking bore (who is annoying as hell).

He's obviously been told to look deep within himself for the answers as to why he behaves like a tool with an addiction to alcohol (and other substances), and he's found the answer...

His mummy didn’t love him. And now he’s letting the world know via the magic of his MySpace page, meaning that the world can share in his misery, whether it wants to or not, at the click of a mouse. To be fair, his mother does sound like a right bitch.

"We were frequently on airplanes and, before Mom and Dad would find themselves in the embarrassing position of being caught by other passengers with a crying baby, I was fed alcohol."

You can’t give a baby booze! His mother’s terrible behaviour continued apace, meaning she’s bound to be nominated for ‘Mother of the Year’ next time around, bearing in mind some of the types that have won the award in the past. But it gets worse…

"Mom’s alcoholism truly reared its ugly head when I was eight and nine years old, it was in 1983 that she lied to the family about having lymph node cancer so that she would have an explanation for staying in bed drunk at all hours."

Not an excuse I’ve tried, but it’s locked away in my mind now for a desperate situation. So Steve-O’s problems are because he feels unloved, insecure and full of deep-rooted feelings of maternal rejection rather than him just being a total fucking idiot. Now, what’s Johnny Knoxville's excuse?
Tekiš af TMZ

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