Ný Gallup könnun segir Hillary vera að vinna !!!!

According to a new Gallup poll, Hillary Clinton has passed ahead of Barack Obama by an impressive 7 points — 49 to 42 percent.

This is the widest gap we've seen in polls between the two Dem presidential nominee wannabees in weeks.

The poll was conducted before Barack's acclaimed race relations speech on Monday.

But, according to Gallup's Jeff Jones, "the initial indications are that the speech has not halted Clinton's gaining momentum as she led by a similar margin in Tuesday night's polling as compared to Monday night's polling."

On another note, looks like John McCain is benefitting from the loooooong and tense Democratic nomination process. Grrrrrrr.

A new Gallup poll also showed McCain leading both Democrats. McCain holds a 4 point lead over Obama and 3 point lead over Clinton.

mbl.is Lewinskymálið skýtur á ný upp kollinum
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