Myndir af stúlkunni sem Spitzer var gripinn glóðvolgur með

Ashley Alexandra Dupre




Shamed former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned on Wednesday following a Call Girl Scandal that’s rocked the Empire State. The New York Post has revealed the identity of the twenty-two year old pro the Spitzer hired for sex at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC last month. Ashley Alexandra Dupré, originally identified simply as “Kristin,” is an aspiring singer who “fled an abusive home” when she seventeen. She moved to New York with hopes of making it big as an R&B singer. No word on how she ended up auctioning off ass to the highest bidder instead. “

While Spitzer awaits word on whether or not he’ll face criminal charges for his role in this mess, Ashley’s just trying to cope with her new found fame:

“I just don’t want to be thought of as a monster,” the governor’s prostitute told the New York Times. “This has been a very difficult time. It is complicated.”

A lot of people are really going hard at this young woman. Not justifying prostitution or sleeping with another woman’s husband, but shouldn’t Spitzer be getting the brunt of the harsh judgement? After all, he’s the one who owes his family loyalty and fidelity, not the hooker.

Tekið af PC Eliot Spitzer sagði af sér
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