Madeleine McCann fundin ?

Could the girl in this picture be Madeleine McCann?

Last updated at 22:32pm on 25th September 2007


A photogaph of a small girl with striking facial similarities to Madeleine McCann in the clutches of a group of Moroccans was being studied by Interpol detectives last night.

The grainy image, taken only four weeks ago, shows a blonde youngster being carried on the back of a dark-skinned woman in traditional North African dress with companions carrying their worldly possessions along a dusty roadside near Tangiers.

It is the fourth reported sighting of Madeleine in Morocco, the first two having come only six days after she disappeared.

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madeleine photo

The photo which could show Madeleine McCann in Morocco


Could the girl in this picture be Madeleine McCann?

'Stop the car, there's Madeleine': Witness sees her dragged by Muslim woman

'Stop the car, there's Madeleine': Witness sees her dragged by Muslim womanA Spanish mother told today how she is convinced she saw Madeleine McCann being dragged across a street in Morocco. The potential witness believes she spotted the missing girl with a woman in a headscarf crossing a road in the northern town of Zaio in May ...



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Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 25.9.2007 kl. 22:59

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