Textin er nokkuš magnašur af nżja laginu hennar

If you were a cowboy i would trail you,
if you were a piece of wood i'd nail you to the floor,
if you were a sailboat i would sail you to the shore,
if you were a river i would swim you,
if you were a house i would live in you all my days,
if you were a preacher i'd begin to change my ways,

sometimes i believe in fate
but the chances we create,
always seem to ring more true,
you took a chance on loving me,
i took a chance on loving you

if i was in jail i know you'd spring me,
if i were a telephone you'd ring me all day long,
if i was in pain i know you'd sing me soothing songs,

sometimes i believe in fate
but the chances we create,
always seem to ring more true,
you took a chance on loving me,
i took a chance on loving you

if i was hungry you would feed me,
if i was in darkness you would lead me to the light,
if i was a book i know you'd read me every night,

If you were a cowboy i would trail you,
if you were a piece of wood i'd nail you to the floor,
if you were a sailboat i would sail you to the shore,
if you were a sailboat i would sail you to the shore.


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