Ašsóknarmestu kvikmyndirnar ķ USA žessa helgina , og Lorax setur met įrsins til žessa , stęrsta helgaropnun įrsins

1. The Lorax (Universal) NEW [3,729 Theaters]
Friday $17.4M, Saturday $32M, Weekend $73M

2. Project X (Warner Bros) NEW [3,055 Theaters]
Friday $8.1M, Saturday $7.9M, Weekend $20.5M

3. Act of Valor (Relativity) Week 2 [3,093 Theaters]
Friday $3.8M, Saturday $6.4M, Weekend $14.2M, Cume $45.6M

4. Safe House (Universal) Week 4 [2,553 Theaters]
Friday $1.9M, Saturday $3.6M, Weekend $7.7M, Cume $108.8M

5. Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds (Lionsgate) Week 2 [2,132 Theaters]
Friday $1.8M, Saturday $3.4M, Weekend $7.0M, Cume $26.0M

6. Journey 2 (Warner Bros) Week 4 [3,060 Theaters]
Friday $1.3M, Saturday $3.4M, Weekend $7.0M, Cume $85.5M

7. The Vow (Screen Gems/Sony) Week 4 [2,826 Theaters]
Friday $1.8M, Saturday $2.8M, Weekend $6.2M, Cume $111.5M

8. This Means War (Fox) Week 3 [2,342 Theaters]
Friday $1.6M, Saturday $2.8M, Weekend $6.0M, Cume $41.8M

9. Ghost Rider 2 (Sony) Week 3 [2,487 Theaters[]
Friday $1.1M, Saturday $2.3M, Weekend $5.0M, Cume $45M

10. The Artist (Weinstein) Week 15 [1,756 theaters]
Friday $938K, Saturday $1.8M, Weekend $4.0M, Cume $37.2M


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