The Razzie nominations have been announced - Žaš versta śr kvikmyndaheiminum įriš 2008




The Razzie nominations have been announced. Mike Myers and Paris Hilton have topped the nominations. Mike Myers flop of a film "The Love Guru" got a whopping 7 nominations while Paris Hiltons film The Hottie And The Nottie got 2 nominations.

Worst Movie:

Disaster Movie

The Happening

The Hottie and the Nottie

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

The Love Guru

Meet the Spartans

Worst Actor:

Larry the Cable Guy - Witless Protection

Eddie Murphy -Meet Dave

Mike Meyers -The Love Guru

Al Pacino -88 Minutes and Righteous Kill

Mark Wahlberg - The Happening and Max Payne

Worst Actress

Jessica Alba - The Eye and The Love Guru

The Cast of The Women (Annette Bening, Eva Mendes, Debra Messing, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Meg Ryan)

Cameron Diaz -What Happens in Vegas

Paris Hilton -The Hottie and the Nottie

Kate Hudson - Fool's Gold and My Best Friend's Girl

Worst Supporting Actor:

Uwe Boll (as himself) - Uwe Boll's Postal

Pierce Brosnan - Mamma Mia!

Ben Kingsley - The Love Guru, War, INC. and The Wackness

Burt Reynolds - Deal and In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

Verne Troyer - The Love Guru and Uwe Boll's Postal

Worst Supporting Actress

Carmen Electra - Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans

Paris Hilton - Repo: The Genetic Opera

Kim Kardashian - Disaster Movie

Jenny McCarthy -Witless Protection

Leelee Sobieski - 88 Minutes and In the Name of the King

Worst Screen Couple:

Uwe Boll and Any Actor

Camera or screenplay

Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher -What Happens in Vegas

Paris Hilton and either Christine Lakin or Joel David Moore -Hottie and the Nottie

Larry the Cable Guy and Jenny McCarthy -Witless Protection

Eddie Murphy IN Eddit Murphy - Meet Dave

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