Josh Brolin handtekinn

Josh Brolin and Jeffrey Wright, stars of Oliver Stone’s controversial President Bush biopic W, were arrested Saturday morning in Shreveport, LA.

The actors and three other crew members were taken into custody outside Stray Cats Bar when they allegedly interfered with the arrest of another crew member, who had busted for public intoxication.

Josh was arrested for interfering with the police and charged with a misdemeanor.

Josh takes on George W. Bush in the forthcoming flick, while Tony-nominated star Jeffrey Wright stars as Colin Powell. The film is slated to be released in 2009.


Hérna höfum viš sķšan Mugshots af hópnum sem handtekinn var nešst mį sjį Josh Brolin sem lék ķ No COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN sķšast nś aš leika ķ W ķ kvikmynd Oliver Stone um Goerge W Bush.


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