Daybreakers - Plakat



Release Date: January 8, 2010
Studio: Lionsgate
Director: Peter Spierig, Michael Spierig
Screenwriter: Peter Spierig, Michael Spierig
Starring: Willem Dafoe, Ethan Hawke, Sam Neill, Vince Colosimo, Claudia Karvan
Genre: Horror
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website:

Plot Summary:
Two-time Academy Award nominee® Ethan Hawke plays Edward Dalton, a researcher in the year 2019, in which an unknown plague has transformed the world’s population into vampires. As the human population nears extinction, vampires must capture and farm every remaining human, or find a blood substitute before time runs out. However, a covert group of vampires makes a remarkable discovery, one which has the power to save the human race.

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