Me and Orson Welles - Plakat


Me and Orson Welles

Release Date: November 25, 2009 (limited)
Studio: Freestyle Releasing
Director: Richard Linklater
Screenwriter: Holly Gent Palmo, Vincent Palmo Jr.
Starring: Zac Efron, Claire Danes, Christian McKay, Ben Chaplin, Kelly Reilly, Eddie Marsan, Leo Bill, Imogen Poots, Aidan McArdle
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for some sexual references and smoking)
Official Website: Not Available

Plot Summary: The screenplay by Holly Gent Palmo and Vincent Palmo Jr. is based on the novel by Robert Kaplow, a coming-of-age story set in the heady world of New York theatre. Efron plays a teenage student who lucks his way into a minor role in the 1937 Mercury Theatre production of “Julius Caesar,” directed by 22-year-old genius Orson Welles. In the words of Kaplow’s protagonist: “This is the story of one week in my life. I was seventeen. It was the week I slept in Orson Welles’s pajamas. It was the week I fell in love. It was the week I fell out of love.”

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