Chris Payne leikari , bśin aš leika KIRK ķ STAR TREK XI og nśna į aš leika Jack Ryan

The 29-year-old will play the CIA analyst in a revival of the series based on the popular Tom Clancy novels, according to Variety.

“Tom Clancy created an unforgettable character with Jack Ryan,” Paramount Film Group president Adam Goodman told the trade paper Wednesday. “With Chris in this role, we’ve taken our first step in creating a re-boot that lives up to the successful lineage of the franchise.”

Baldwin was the first to play Ryan in 1990’s The Hunt for Red October. Ford played him in 1992’s Patriot Games and 1994’s Clear and Present Danger. Most recently, Ben Affleck took over the role in the 2002 hit The Sum of All Fears.

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