Žį er žaš komiš į hreint aš raušhausinn Seth Green var aš auglysa į skrķtinn hįtt Butterfinger žegar hann missti stjórn į sér


Remember that one video of Seth Green freaking out like a leprechaun who lost his rainbow on the set of some commercial? And the one of him getting mugged in some parking lot? Well, your brain might have already barfed up that important information, but in case it hasn't, you should know that it was viral marketing for Butterfinger. Yeah, Butterfinger has replaced a tiny yellow boy creature with a tiny ginge boy creature. Homer better choke a bitch over this.

The videos are part of some contest for Butterfinger. They released this statement of words:

Someone has laid a finger on Seth Green`s BUTTERFINGER. Nestlé USA today announced the launch of "Dude, Where`s My Bar?" an innovative online narrative game for consumers to help solve the mystery surrounding the October 2 theft of Green`s vintage Butterfinger bar. The "lite" alternate reality game starring Seth Green will call upon the clever, irreverent thinking of Butterfinger fans, as they compete to find and solve clues that could lead to the return of Green`s
missing bar and a one-of-a-kind grand prize: a solid-gold Butterfinger bar worth $10,000.


Green, a lifelong Butterfinger fan, was announced recently as the official Butterfinger Mouthpiece, in conjunction with the brand reintroducing its tagline "Nobody`s Gonna Lay A Finger On My Butterfinger." Green collaborated with Butterfinger to produce "Dude, Where`s My Bar?" using comedy and the real world as a platform. Dubbed an "alternate reality game lite" (ARGL), DudeWheresMyBar.com propels fans into an entertaining storyline created by the comedic genius of Green and the one-and-only iconic candy bar brand. "Dude, Where`s My Bar?" combines the innovations of a multi-platform narrative game with video vignettes featuring Green and co-starring actors Sean Cullen, Stuart Pankin and Jon Wellner.

"Butterfinger has long been associated with clever, irreverent humor," said Butterfinger marketing manager Daniel Jhung. "Leave it to this brand to serve up the first-ever consumer packaged goods ARG with a light, Butterfinger twist."

There you have it. You can go back to not caring.

And I bet that Seth's peen kind of looks like a bite-sized Butterfinger after a sloppy butt fuck party. I'm sorry.

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