Slśšur 2

"95 Lbs! Tori Collapses!"
Tori Spelling's all stressed out, because the ex-wife of her husband Dean McDermott is publishing a book that reveals skeezy details about Dean. So. Tori hasn't been eating and someone who doesn't treat her says she is 95 lbs. She went to the hospital on September 28 with abdominal pains, headaches and dizziess, and they ran tests, but couldn't find anything. She went back to the hospital on Oct. 4 for more tests. A doctor who doesn't treat her says she looks "skeletal." Eva Longoria and Kim Kardaisan both had a bobbed wig and vamp makeup in two different photoshoots for two different obsucre magazines, so they are labeled "copycats!" On the "Knifestyles" page, Nicole Kidman is "unrecognizable" with a "newly plump pucker."  In Gosselin news, babysitter Stephanie Santoro — with whom Jon supposedly had an affair — says that Jon bragged months ago about raiding Kate's bank account and hacking into her email and text messages. She says: "He doesn't care where his money comes from, or who he has to hurt to get it. He said to me that if he had to, he would use everything in his power — even the kids — to fight Kate for more money." Jon used to work as an IT security guy and Steph says Jon has access to Kate's online banking and has hacked into her email, gathering info. The mag wonders if Jon will go to jail for hacking. Mary-Kate and Ashley are having a "race to the altar." Unfortunately it's not a drag race. Neither wants to be second, because whoever gets married first will steal attention from the other. "Mary-Kate's ring finger is getting itchy," according to the mag. Ashley has been with Justin Bartha for more than a year and has narrowed down a wedding location. Then there's a bunch of speculation about what kind of wedding each would have — Mary-Kate's would be in an edgy art gallery with dark colors; Ashley would have a more elegant affair, etc. Not that either of them is engaged. Blind item: "Which starlet is Hollywood's worst tipper? After a restaurant comped her $2600 meal, she left an 8% gratuity What kind of warped reality is she living in?" A fan approached Kirsten Dunst for an autograph, and a source says, "She was just a sweet young girl, and Kirsten literally said grrr. like a dog." Pink and Carey Hart stopped at a traffic light for a makeout session. They were at a red light, got into it, and didn't realize the light turned green. Awww. Kanye West is making plans to stay at an Ashram in Pondicherry, India. He feels bad about Taylor Swift and is trying to turn things around. Lamar Odom's ex-girlfriend, Lara Manoukian, who was with him for 7 years, says they were still couple when Khloe Kardashian entered the picture. But Lamar would cheat on Lara, and she says "I treated that fool like a king." She says that he was trying to get her pregnant two months ago and "maybe Khloe saved me from the biggest day of my life." Also, Lamar reportedly proposed to Taraji P. Henson a week before meeting Khloe. This story is accompanied by a shot of Lamar smoking a joint. The father of Holly Hester, one of the women David Letterman had an affair with in the '90s when she was an intern on the show, says: "My daughter is probably ashamed of what happened. What he did was wrong, it was inappropriate. He is a predator."

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