Mark Wahlberg to Star in "Reykjavik" Thriller Remake

Mark Wahlberg to Star in "Reykjavik" Thriller Remake

Mark Wahlberg has come on board to star in "Reykjavik-Rotterdam," a remake of an Icelandic thriller that has been set up at Working Title. Aaron Guzikowski (Prisoners) is penning the script, and Baltasar Kormakur is attached to helm the English-language redo.

The plot centers on a security guard and former alcohol smuggler on the Iceland-Netherlands route who is tempted back into illicit business by a dubious friend after encountering financial problems. The original, which Oskar Jonasson directed, is Iceland's submission for this year's foreign-language Oscar race and won five of that country's film awards.

The English version likely will be relocated to other places.

Wahlberg and Guzikowski nearly worked together on "Prisoners," in which the actor was attached to star before producers decided to reconfigure the package without cast. That project, based on Guzikowski's script, centers on a small-town man who takes matters into his own hands after his daughter is kidnapped.

Source: THR

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