Megan Fox Catwoman ķ Batman 3 - svo segir sagan

Megan Fox has reportedly inked a deal to play Catwoman alongside Christian Bale and Michael Caine in the upcoming Batman film.

If a report from British tabloid The Sun is to be believed, the brunette stunner will follow in the footsteps of Michelle Pfeiffer (1992) and Halle Berry (2003) when she slips into the sleek catsuit for the role of the feline vixen in director Christopher Nolan’s follow-up to 2008’s box office smash The Dark Knight.

Megan is also a favorite to play Lara Croft – the role made famous by Angelina Jolie – in a new Tomb Raider movie.

Shooting for the film is expected to begin next year for a 2011 box office opening.

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1 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Žį reynir heldur betur į Nolan sem leikstjóra aš lįta hana lķta śt eins og hśn kunni aš leika.

Emmcee, 26.8.2009 kl. 21:31

2 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Hef reyndar fulla trś į honum og held aš hann geti lįtiš hvaša bjįna sem er fara meš leiksigur.

Emmcee, 26.8.2009 kl. 21:33

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