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Amy Winehouse And The Ghost Of Pop Stars Past….

Amy Winehouse is determined to put her past as a drug-addicted adultress behind her after receiving a visit from the ghost of Michael Jackson. 

We don’t make this stuff up, people.

Amy was always a huge MJ fan. She once said: “I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him. I don’t care what people say because he’s a fucking genius.”

The 25-year-old singer — who regularly saw a clairvoyant to help her straighten up during her eight month stay on the Caribbean isle of St Lucia — has been telling friends that she heard the late superstar telling her to clean up her act in a recent outer limits-like experience.

A source tells Britain’s The PEOPLE: “…She heard Michael’s voice telling her if she didn’t sort herself out she’d lose everything.”


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