Nef Michael Jackson tżnt !!!

Rolling Stone Magazine is reporting that Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose which was missing from his body during his autopsy.

According to the Music Bible, the pop icon wore a prosthesis to hide the devastating affects of years of plastic surgery. Witnesses reveal that Michael wasn’t wearing the prosthetic nose in the morgue — adding that there was only a small hole where the star’s nose should have been.

At least one witness told Rolling Stone: “The prosthesis he normally attached to his damaged nose was missing, revealing bits of cartilage surrounding a small dark hole.”

The King of Pop’s former housekeeper, Adrian McManus, claims the the star had lots of false noses.

“His nose was a problem. He wore plasters around the side to cover or support it. It was severely caved in,” she recalls. “In his closet he had a jar of fake noses and stage glue, which he told me he used for disguises. But some were similar to his real nose, just without the hole.”


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