Robert Downey Jr leikur į móti Zach Galifianakis ķ kvikmyndinni “Due Date,”


Robert Downey Jr. will star with Zach Galifianakis in “Due Date,” the comedy that Todd Phillips will direct for Warner Bros. this fall.

Downey will play an expectant father who finds himself on a road trip with a mismatched partner, as he races to get there before the birth of his first child.

Galifianakis, who starred for Phillips in “The Hangover,” plays his road trip mate in a comedy that Phillips calls “a buddy comedy without the buddies.”

Script was written by Alan R. Cohen and Alan Freedland, revised by Adam Sztykiel. Shooting will begin in September, in Atlanta, Arizona and Los Angeles.

Downey is at Comic-Con promoting the Christman release of the Guy Ritchie-directed “Sherlock Holmes” by Warner Bros., and the May 7, 2010 release of the Jon Favreau-directed “Iron Man 2” by Paramount and Marvel. Downey was Oscar-nominated for his last comic turn in "Tropic Thunder."

CAA put together the deal.


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