Title | Engagements | Estimated Weekend Box Office | |
1. | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Paramount) | 4,234 | $112,000,000 ($201.2 million 5-day) |
2. | The Proposal (Disney) | 3,058 | $18,466,000 |
3. | The Hangover (Warner Bros.) | 3,525 | $17,215,000 |
4. | Up (Disney) | 3,487 | $13,046,000 |
5. | My Sisters Keeper (Warner Bros.) | 2,606 | $12,030,000 |
6. | Year One (Sony) | 3,024 | $5,800,000 |
7. | Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (Sony) | 2,995 | $5,400,000 |
8. | Star Trek (Paramount) | 1,823 | $3,606,000 |
9. | Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (20th Century Fox) | 2,240 | $3,500,000 |
10. | Away We Go (Focus Features) | 495 | $1,678,251 |
in millions of dollars |
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Aušvitaš nįši myndin ekki aš slį śt The Dark Knight, frįfall Heath Ledger hafši sitt aš segja žar lķka. En ótrślegur įrangur hjį Transformers, žó ekki muni nema hvaš ... 2 millum į žessum fimm dögum hjį žeim. Held lķka aš Transformers fari mest upp ķ 400 millur (350-400) ... nęr varla 500 eins og Dark Knight.
Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 28.6.2009 kl. 20:50
Ómar Ingi, 28.6.2009 kl. 22:49
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
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