MJ selur og selur diska sem aldrei fyrr ......


Next week, Michael Jackson will once again make music history as many of his albums are poised to shake up the Billboard charts with incredible sales increases. The impact of Jackson’s passing was felt immediately in the marketplace. Industry sources report that the demand for Jackson’s albums were so high, many brick and mortar retailers simply ran out of whatever Jackson stock they had on hand on Thursday (25) night. The albums with the greatest sales increases — at least on the physical side of things — look to be his greatest hits packages “Number Ones” and “The Essential Michael Jackson” along with the expanded reissue of “Thriller.” The sets, released between 2003 and 2008, were the three Jackson albums that perhaps had the most stock available in stores. In the digital realm, where the supply problem doesn’t exist, Jackson’s songs and albums swarmed the top of the constantly-updating best sellers lists in both the iTunes’ and Amazon’s online music stores. At one point on Friday in the iTunes Store, nine out of the top 10-selling albums and 40 of the top 100-selling songs were by Jackson. Billboard and SoundScan’s new weekly charts will be released on Wednesday, July 1.


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