Takk Mel eša Žannig


We have Mel Gibson to thank for the calamity that is Joaquin Phoenix’s burgeoning career in “rap.”

According to a scoop featured in the May 25 issue of The Globe, Mel and the recently “retired” Joaquin have forged a tight friendship after first becoming pals while co-starring in the 2002 film Signs. But their bond in stronger than ever now that Joaquin’s erratic behavior has made him the laughing stock of gossip rags and Mel’s 30 year marriage to estranged wife Robyn Gibson ended with a divorce filing last month.

A celebrity spy tells The Globe: “It’s an unlikely friendship but it works. They’re more than both battled alcohol problems and have the same twisted sense of humor. They really ‘get each other.’”

The tabloid claims Joaquin, 34, spent several weekends at Mel’s Malibu estate just before announcing that he was quitting his acting to pursue a full-time career as a hip-hop artist.

“Mel told Joaquin to forget what other people are saying and encouraged him to follow his dream, even if it takes him to some dark places.”

When Robyn filed for divorce on April 9, Joaquin was the first person Mel called:

“They’ve been talking on the phone every day and e-mailing each other about their problems. Mel really understands the constant criticism Joaquin has faced, and he’s grateful he has someone he can turn to and trust as his own family falls apart.”


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