Katie is "devasted"

Spencer denies he's the reason for Katie & Peter split

Spencer Wilton a gay dressage rider who has been photographed with Katie Price has denied reports that "flirting" between Spencer & Katie is the reason Peter ended the marriage.

Spencer said they were having a "perfectly innocent, fun night out" with friends.

"A big group of us had all been at Badminton Horse Trials for the day and went out for dinner afterwards and then on to a club. They know exactly who I am and have chosen to ignore that and the fact that I'm already in a happy relationship with a male partner. My phone hasn't stopped with papers and magazines calling, but it's obviously a lot worse for Katie - I just really hope she and Peter are able to resolve their differences."


Katie is "devasted"

Katie Price has reportedly been texting and calling Peter begging him to take her back.

Friends have said Peter is refusing to even talk about their relationship and just cares about seeing the kids.

One friend said "They are still civil, but he refuses to talk about their relationship, which is really upsetting Katie."

No one knows where Katie is at the moment and is said to be "devastated" that her marriage is over.


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