Fleiri myndir af fręga fólkinu nöktu aš detta į netiš ?

When pictures of both Cassie and Alien Princess RiRi with their decorated chichi balls out hit the internets, many whores (including this one) figured they put that shit out themselves or a certain rabid animal was behind it (*cough*Chris*Brown*cough*). But Miss Info says this isn't so! According to her, the hacker who snatched the puss has had these pictures since last year. And there's more where that came from.

Apparently, the hacker has more pictures of RiRi (with Chris Brown) and Cassie with someone else. Allegedly, the hacker also has nekkid ass flicks of JLo, Jamie Foxx and Christina Milian in his archive. Those are the last three people on Earth I want to see with their private business out. Well, I wouldn't mine seeing Jamie's fox tail, but NOT his fox hole. I don't need to know him like that.

I also hope those nudie JLo pics are from 2005 or before, because nobody needs to know what her bare chichichangas look like today.

When are these fucktardians going to learn that when you take pictures of your fuck parts and send them around, it's only a matter of time before the world sees it and starts ridiculing you for your giant nipples or lop-sided vag lips. Or whatever.

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