
Last year’s mega-hit Twilight will go head-to-head with Oscar-winning Best Film Slumdog Millionaire at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards later this month. Each film has received nominations in six award categories including Best Movie, Best Kiss and Breakthrough Performance Male.

MTV is also debuting two new categories for the show this year — “Best Song from a Movie” and “Best WTF Moment!”

Breaking from past tradition, this year, voting fans will be able to decide the winners. Here’s how you do it: Between May 4 - May 27, viewers can visit www.MovieAwards.MTV.com and vote for their faves.

The Best Movie category will remain open throughout the live show — allowing movie buffs to cast their votes down to the last nail-biting moments.

The 2009 MTV Movie Awards will be hosted by SNL’s Andy Samberg, and broadcast live from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, California on Sunday, May 31st at 9p.m./8p.m.


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