5.5.2009 | 01:37
Topless Photo of Miss California
Carrie, Carrie, Carrie .What are you doing? Trying to preserve the honor of traditional marriage by taking topless photos of your new tetas we see. What would Jesus say?!

The blogosphere is ablaze with buzz about topless and semi-nude photos of controversial anti-gay marriage activist Miss California Carrie Prejean. We hear theres a whole series of these suckers about to leak. The first photo, which appeared just a few minutes ago on TheDirty.com
, shows a woman who bares a stricking resemblance to the beauty queen staring seductively into a camera while wearing only a pair of pink panties and using a strategically placed arm to cover her naughty bits.
Alicia Jacobs, Entertainment Reporter at KVBC in Las Vegas, has seen all six of the photos and says some are much more revealing. Alicia believes the flicks may have been taken after Carries pageant-financed breast augmentation about six weeks ago.
Hmmm These explosive pictures could be devastating for Miss California, whose anti-gay marriage campaign recently resulted in a partnership with the National Organization for Marriage and helped to make made her increasingly popular with right-wing conservatives in recent weeks.
Can you guys believe the nerve of this bozo? Using the Lord Jesus Christ as an excuse to support inequality when shes just as big a sinner as anyone?
Let this be a lesson to us all; you may want to refrain from chastising other people about how they live their lives when there are digital photos of your ass buried on somebodys hard drive. This reminds me of something my mother always said when I was growing up- Ah, thats right, something about stones and glass houses. Ring a bell?
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