Bale er snillingur en žetta er bara VĘL

Christian Bale has said that the leak of him loosing it on the set of Terminator Salvation broke trust between cast and crew.

Christian said:


"I mean, hey, I did what I did. I'm not hiding that. I went overboard. But there is an essential trust and it's not a tacit one, it's a verbal one, a spoken one, which is every sound guy says: 'We are not only not recording, we are not even listening.' I do stress though, it's not in any way a trust that's there to cover up bad behaviour. It's not about that. It's an essential trust that's needed for creativity because you'll often try things and they're abysmal, but if you have a trust there then you'll give it a shot. I'm not making any excuses. I'm not whining. Hey listen, I did it an, it's in public space. Hey, I take the consequences for it."


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