heidi-and-spencer-pratt-caught-in-the-swine-flu-outbreak - Swine Flu Cuts Spencer Pratt Heidi Montag Mexican Honeymoon Short

Newlyweds Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are steering clear of the swine flu.

The stars of MTV’s The Hills – who tied the knot in Pasadena on Saturday — made the trip to Cabo San Lucas on Sunday to shoot a music video for the bride’s latest murdered hit “Sex Ed,” but the two are heading home and ending their brief honeymoon early because of the influenza outbreak in the country.

“After the best day of both our lives, Heidi and I left L.A. Sunday for Cabo to shoot the music video for Heidi’s new single ‘Blackout’. We planned to stay through Sunday,” Spencer said Wednesday. “Unfortunately, due to the pig flu epidemic, the Pratts are headed home this evening. Heidi’s new EP is available on iTunes today. Check it out!”


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