Slumdog barn til Sölu !

The father of 9-year-old Slumdog Millionaire child star Rubina Ali offered to sell the young actress for $300,000 to undercover reporters from Britain’s News of the World.

Rafiq Qureshi, who lives in a Mumbai slum with Ali, says he is trying to ensure his daughter and the well-being of their impoverished family by attempting to cash in on the youngster’s fame.

“I have to consider what’s best for me, my family and Rubina’s future,” Qureshi told News of the World journalists posing as a wealthy Middle Eastern family interested in illegally adopting the child.

A family friend told the paper that Rubina’s father thought the negotiations were to do with a movie role, not the sale of his daughter.

“Rafiq didn’t understand everything that was being said to him but he was happy to discuss money for a well-paying job for his daughter. She loves being in movies and the family need the money.”


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