Firing Squad

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are all captured by a group of armed terrorists. The three women are told that they are going to be killed one at a time.

The men line up like a firing squad and the redhead is brought before them. The man in charge asks, "Do you have any last words before we kill you?" and the redhead answers, "Flood!" The men panic and run for high ground while the redhead gets away.

They figure out that they've been fooled, and come back. After lining up they bring out the brunette. Again the commander asks if the prisoner has any last words. The brunette answers, "Tornado!" When the men run for cover, she too gets away.

The blonde, watching the whole time smirks. "I've got it covered," she thinks. "No problem." So the firing squad brings her before them. "Have you any last words?" asks the commander. Grinning, the blonde insantly shouts, "Fire!"

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