The Young Victoria plakat


The Young Victoria

Release Date: TBA 2009
Studio: Not Available
Director: Jean-Marc Vallee
Screenwriter: Julian Fellowes
Starring: Emily Blunt, Rupert Friend, Jim Broadbent, Miranda Richardson, Mark Strong, Paul Bettany, Thomas Kretschmann
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available

Plot Summary:
“The Young Victoria” will focus on the first, often turbulent, years of the monarch’s rule. She became queen at 18, and her legendary romance and marriage to Prince Albert. Devastated by her husband’s death in 1861, she wore black for the rest of her life and remained largely secluded. Broadbent will play King William, Victoria’s uncle, while Richardson has been cast as the Duchess of Kent, Victoria’s mother. They join Emily Blunt as Victoria and Rupert Friend as her husband, Prince Albert.

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