Rihanna og Wilmer Valderrama saman ?

Rumors of a budding romance between battered pop star Rihanna and Lindsay Lohan’s ex, actor Wilmer Valderrama, are gaining steam. Less than a week after Chicago Sun-Times tipsters spotted Rihanna and Wilmer getting acquainted at a Hollywood nightspot, the supposed lovers were reportedly spotted canoodling a second time at the Geisha House in Tinseltown last weekend.

Wilmer, who, in addition to Lohan, has been romantically linked to actresses Mandy Moore and Jennifer Love Hewitt, hosts weekly karaoke nights at the club. As soon as Rihanna arrived, the former star of That 70s Show couldn’t keep his eyes off her, according to a scoop from The Mirror.

Soon, the pair were chatting endlessly.

“Rihanna looked so pretty and Wilmer could hardly take his eyes off her,” says a source. “They were chatting and laughing for ages. They looked pretty cozy and relaxed in each other’s company. Wilmer was all charm and even had a bottle of champagne for Rihanna,” the tipster adds.


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