Up ķ 3D mun verša opnunarmynd Cannes kvikmyndahįtķšarinnar 13 Maķ nęstkomandi og er žetta ķ fyrsta skipti sem aš teiknimynd fęr žann heišur

The Digital 3-D feature will be shown during the Opening Ceremony Film of the 62nd Annual Cannes Fest, The premiere of Up also marks the first time that a Disney or 3-D film has opened the event.

The comedy adventure tells the story of a 78-year-old man, voiced by Ed Asner, who rigs helium balloons to his house and flies to South America–only to discover an unwanted stowaway tagging along.

The Cannes Film Festival runs from May 13 to 24. Up opens in the U.S. on May 29.

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