Juan Antonio Bayona mun leiksýra þriðju myndinni af TWILIGHT - 'Eclipse'


Summit Entertainment has tapped Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona to direct "Eclipse," the third pic in the "Twilight" vampire series.Summit, which had no comment Wednesday, is expected to make the official announcement soon. The minimajor recently gave "Eclipse" a release date of June 30, 2010.Bayona's a protege of Guillermo Del Toro. He directed the Spanish-language horror-thriller "The Orphanage," which was exec produced by Del Toro, and is attached to helm the Universal thriller "Hater," with Del Toro and Mark Johnson producing.Summit's opted for a different director on each "Twilight" pic. Chris Weitz replaced "Twilight" director Catherine Hardwicke on "New Moon." Production's due to start shortly on "New Moon" with the key thesps -- Robert Pattinson as Edward, Kristen Stewart as Bella and Taylor Lautner as Jacob -- reprising their roles.

"New Moon" is set to open Nov. 20. Melissa Rosenberg, who penned the "Twilight" and "New Moon" scripts, is working on "Eclipse," in which Bella is forced to choose between Edward and Jacob. The four books in Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series have sold more than 17 million copies worldwide.

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