Kennedy, Marshall head to Sony

Producers leaving Universal


Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall are leaving Universal Pictures and have inked a first-look deal at Columbia Pictures.

Deal, which begins April 1, will bring the prolific producing duo and frequent Steven Spielberg collaborators to the Culver City lot for an 18-month term.

The couple, who partnered professionally in 1991 to formed the Kennedy/Marshall Co., most recently produced "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."

Kennedy recently began working with Columbia on the Spielberg-Peter Jackson collaboration "Tintin," which she is producing through the pair's shingle. The first film in a planned trilogy, "The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn" is being co-financed by Sony and Paramount, with Sony taking most international territories.

Kennedy/Marshall's most recent effort for Universal was Spielberg's "Munich."

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