Dark Knight framhald ekki fyrr en 2011 ķ fyrsta lagi


Christian Bale's on-set temper tantrums haven't effected The Dark Knight star's career at all.

It's been confirmed that Bale will be reprising his role as Batman for the third time in the upcoming sequel!

The Dark Knight director Chris Nolan will also be returning to the billion-dollar-franchise, but the film is nowhere near being ready for it's 2011 release date!


There isn't a script and negotiations haven't been made between Warner Bros. and the cast and crew!!!

Insiders have revealed that the laid back and cheerful attitude the studio has projected towards the sequel will change "once checkbooks start opening… Because money talks and once the pens start writing the extra 0's, everything is fair game."

Better get on that, fellas!!

There's always some sort of trouble when it comes to $$$!!!


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