Franklyn plakat



Release Date: TBA 2009
Studio: Not Available
Director: Gerald McMorrow
Screenwriter: Gerald McMorrow
Starring: Ryan Phillippe, Eva Green, Sam Riley, Bernard Hill, Richard Coyle, Art Malik, Kika Markham, Susannah York
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Thriller
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available

Plot Summary:
Esser (Hill) is a broken man, searching for his wayward son amongst the rough streets of London’s homeless. Milo (Riley) is a heartbroken thirty-something desperately trying to find a way back to the purity of first love. Emilia (Green) is abeautiful art student, her suicidal art projects becoming increasingly more complex and deadly. Preest (Phillippe) is a masked vigilante detective, searching for his nemesis on the streets of Meanwhile City; a monolithic fantasymetropolis ruthlessly governed by faith and religious fervour. Esser, Milo, Emilia, Preest - a group of people who couldnt be further apart. Their individual worlds are set for a cataclysmic collision. In an explosive finale, the path of a single bullet will decide the fate of our four lost souls…

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