Chris Brown og Rihanna eru 2009 módelin af Ike og Tina Turner.



The young lovers have reportedly rekindled their troubled romance three weeks after Chris, 19, allegedly went upside the “Umbrella” singer’s famous fivehead during Grammy Weekend in Los Angeles.

Have we learned nothing from What’s Love Got To Do With It?

“They’re together again. They care for each other,” PEOPLE Magazine insiders revealed late Friday. The on-again couple are currently spending time together at one of Sean “Diddy” Combs’s homes. Adds the source: “While Chris is reflective and saddened about what happened, he is really happy to be with the woman he loves.”

There are no words. This prick bit her and put a pair of horns on her head, he could kill her next time. Does Rihanna not have a strong support system of friends and family to tell her that she’s loved, worth so much more, and deserves better?


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